Saturday, November 7, 2009

Girls like Science Fiction too

I have found a world totally new to myself. Other girls who are as obsessed with The Doctor as I am. I think I can get used to this, I like it. I have had some female friends in the past who were nerdy or had certain nerdy aspects but they were into different aspects of nerdiness than I have enjoyed. In a way it was a good thing because I would join them in their interests just out of the sake of having another girl around that didn't ramble on about shoes, hair or celebrity gossip for hours on end. The problem always was, that I would join in their interests, but no one wanted to join in mine, so I stood alone with my little memories of the TARDIS, my comic books or just the odd books I enjoyed that weren't popular.

Earlier this year I attended my first fandom convention & instantly I was hooked. I am very grateful that I went because I found people just as obsessed as I am, if not more so with Doctor Who. We decided to form a group or club to share our love of The Doctor & every month I find I like these people more & more. In the group was a girl but she is more familiar with the new series but seems to love the old just as much. After a short time I was introduced to another girl through Facebook, a mutual friend tells me that he knows a girl who would fit in with our group. We instantly hit it off & she gets all of my Doctor Who references. So now I have 2 whole girl friends that I can share my Doctor love with. Then I get sucked into the world of Twitter. Oh wow has it been uhm, should I say, educational? Yeah I think that's a safe word to use. There are Who fanatics galore & David Tennant fangirls that make me look like an amateur when it comes to unhealthy obsessions. Yes I absolutely adore David Tennant, but he is a branch of my Doctor obsession.

For many people a part of my present, my past isn't well known. I used to suffer greatly from a genetic blood disease called porphyria. Thanks to a God given miracle I no longer suffer but for most of 2006 & 2007 I was in the hospital or stuck in a bed at home with IVs hooked up to me. The disease caused great pain & severe sickness all over, & I needed an escape & the two places I escaped through were the Stargate & the TARDIS. Now that I am healthy I still enjoy being able to take an hour from a busy day to take a trip to an alien planet, go back in time, or visit an alternate reality. Even greater than enjoying the shows I love best is being able to have another girl on this planet enjoy them with me. I think I am slowly drawing in one of the girls I LARP with into the world of Doctor Who/Torchwood. Bit by bit I am showing a "normal" friend of mine the appeal of all the science fiction shows I like. I am a girl who is used to having these things in common with guys, so having girls who like them is a refreshing feeling.

"Magic & time travel are not only possible, but are every day occurrences." This has been something I have been telling people on a regular basis, I believe that it is true. I don't know who said this first, I don't presume to think that I was the first to come up with it but I would like for it to become a popular phrase.

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