I was never the one to get really star struck. I always knew that famous people were just as flawed as us normal people, they're no more special than us, they just get paid to entertain us. I have come to a point though where one actor really does have me a bit star struck. He starred in my favorite tv show & the more I watched him, the more I liked him. I knew he'd done other work so I decided to check it out & every role he played just knocked me over. He can make you believe any role he is in now matter how small it is, whether he's playing a schmuck, a looney, a demented bad guy, the ultimate romancer, or The Lord of Time. Yes boys & girls, I am talking about David Tennant. I have listened & watched some of his interviews & he keeps striking me as the dorky kid that got lucky. He says he worked hard to get to where he is today but he still looks like that nerdy guy that knew what he wanted so he obsessively worked until he was in a position to try for it, then one day luck smiled upon him & was given his dream job.
I love a man that's white & nerdy. I married a math teacher who collects so much Star Wars stuff that we had to dedicate one room of our house to it all. The Star Wars room is the pride of the entire house & I am hoping I can get more going so I can have my Doctor Who room. In David Tennant's first season as The Doctor, I struggled with him because I thought he was a bit too sexy. He is the really skinny, kind of awkward, brainy guy that makes my heart go *thump*. My inner child felt that The Doctor wasn't supposed to appeal to that side of the grown up in me. In his second season I began to make myself focus on the scripts, the story lines, the acting & somewhere along the way David Tennant wiggled his way into my heart. From then on he became, & forever will be, My Doctor. I now watch season one differently than I did before & I think maybe it's because the first time I was forced to watch him from the hospital or drugged up at home. Or maybe it's because when an actor takes the role as The Doctor it takes us a little bit of time to get comfortable with him in that role. What ever the reason may be, his acting blew me away & I am constantly surprised at how good he is. I am apprehensive to see how Matt Smith takes over but I understand that David Tennant leaving will help the story move forward as it always must. I will probably cry when it happens because when we get so attached to certain actors in that role we hate to see them leave. I was upset as a kid when Tom Baker left but understood that the story would continue. I need the story to continue to be good & David Tennant confessed on The Graham Norton Show that he was "enough of a pathetic fanboy to need it to continue to be good" after he is gone. If he isn't a dork then he's a greater actor than I thought, either way it's a win in my book. He is starring in a pilot 'Rex Is Not Your Lawyer' for NBC that I am really hoping get picked up because I want to see what else the man can do. I know many people are disappointed that he is using an American accent but I think it gives us a chance to see more of his talents as an actor. From now on he's going to be called The Doctor by many of us no matter what other roles he might play so I think in order for him to not be The Doctor, taking his accent & making him American helps. I know his Scottish & British accents are very sexy & I'd listen to him read the phone book, some on twitter have been trying to find a way to get him to read a trashy novel. It would have to be Scottish accent because I wouldn't be able to listen to The Doctor read anything smutty with out feeling a bit weird. Some might laugh but there is still a bit of conflict in me because he is so sexy & as a child I loved that Tom Baker was so funny looking, then gets replaced by Peter Davison who was considered by many women of the time as very attractive, but I was still quite young & loved that he was wearing celery. Every Doctor had something quirky about his appearance that was laughable & I never found anything about the Tenth Doctor to giggle about. The long "hero" coat is nice, I love the suit, & his hair is f*cking amazing, & my hubby wears red converse so I never gave any thought to his shoes. So if we're looking for quirks it's in the personality & those are the kinds of quirks that makes a person more endearing to me.
As an actor he makes me smile & to think, if he had never taken the role as The Doctor, I might not have ever known who he was.
Brillant, and i have to agree, except that I loved him as the Doctor from the first, but maybe that is because I never really cared for CE in the part. Great actor that he is, don't get me wrong, but his Doctor was just too hard to love