Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Doctor

Contains spoilers for those of you that have not yet seen The Eleventh Hour.

I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive about Matt Smith as The Doctor. I adore David Tennant as My Doctor still but I think Matt is working brilliantly. I watched with bated breath for fear that it would be ruined forever but excited because I enjoy Steven Moffat's stories. Matt exceeded my expectations of him & I think I'll greatly enjoy him because he has such a flaw that I loved in My Doctor as a kid. He's goofy looking, his head is a weird shape & looks too big for his body. As I have said before my biggest problem with Tennant being The Doctor was that he is too sexy & my inner child has issues with The Doctor being sexy. Only time will tell if Matt will take David's place in my heart as My Doctor. Matt is proving he can do the job of being a Time Lord. He is portraying a completely different Doctor, which is how it should be but I miss David, I miss Ten.

The Eleventh Hour was a fun episode & was very kid friendly but also appealed to adults with the intelligent writing as Doctor Who has been known for doing. It had a scary bad alien that The Doctor had to outsmart in order to save the planet because other aliens were going to burn the planet in order to kill the scary bad alien. The Doctor found his companion & built a friendship while still trying to figure out who he was & what he liked to eat. He puts together his 'costume' & scolds the aliens that were going to burn the planet & basically tells them he had better not see them around his favorite planet again.

Once again he proved that he can't "drive" the TARDIS, which is something that always made me laugh. The Doctor has always had a bad habit of landing in the wrong place or time & this time was no exception. Still he shows his love for the TARDIS, petting her & talking to her like she's an old lover.

This episode made me laugh a lot & it also showed the power that The Doctor has by simply talking. It was a very quotable episode & it gave hints of a story arch that will continue through out the series. I like to have a few stand alone episodes but I personally like story archs a bit more. I like to see how something small from one episode will come back & affect something that's happening 6 episodes down the line. I am excited to see what is to come & I am very happy to see that The Doctor continues to be brilliant, fantastic, molto bene.

Matt Smith is a fantastic guide throughout the Doctor Who universe of amazing adventures that Moffat has in store for us. So far my biggest complaint is the opening sequence felt blah & the theme song sounded like a generic remix of the Doctor Who theme. I like the new look of the TARDIS, inside & out. Over all I give it 2 thumbs up & I can't wait until the next episode. I think I'm going to watch this one again another half dozen times.

1 comment:

  1. I was very impressed by Matt Smith. I've even made a little video where I think he really takes on the mantle of 'The Doctor'.
